A Specialist Transport Services Consultancy
Global Events Mobility & Management Solutions (GEMMS) is a Transport Consultancy specializing in "hands-on" solutions for Mega Events, and Urban Transport Planning and Operations.
GEMMS was created by the clear market need for professional advisory services in Transport and related areas of Operations, including railway integration, into the overall urban public transport system. It combines depth of knowledge in all specific areas of Transport with long, hands-on experience in a large number of different urban environments.
GEMMS’s comprehensive spectrum of services enables the development of optimal approaches and solutions, tailor-made to the specific client case and with intense focus on implementation.
Our core expertise
GEMMS is in a unique position to offer comprehensive, integrated, innovative and pragmatic solutions by capitalizing on its core areas of know-how:
About us
GEMMS's solid background and capability is complemented by a proven track record in delivering winning transport solutions in challenging environments and situations, ranging from Mega Event delivery to optimized Urban Traffic and Integrated Public Transport Systems.
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Our Values
Through the years of experience we have defined our four core values which underpin all our endeavors.
Our Approach
Our approach ensures that any Bid or Organizing Committee acquires core expertise proven in the field as well as extensive management capability that can complement, support and lead through the challenges of operations planning and service delivery. GEMMS can be engaged during any phase of the Mega Event cycle, including:
Transport Scope
Transport in urban areas, both for Mega Events as well as Day to Day improvement, is a multi-dimensional, wide-scale affair.
GEMMS offers full scope of content that leaves no gap for any management team. An indicative set of drop-down lists is illustrated below, where every parameter mentioned is based on proven, hands-on experience, both in Planning and Implementation.
Mega Event (extraordinary) and Day to Day (ordinary) Transport Organization and Development
General Traffic Management Improvements
Traffic Modeling
Transport Communication
Training and Education
Successful transport services depend on fully trained, knowledgeable and confident human resources. GEMMS has developed holistic, detailed training programs for each category and level of the operational staff, including Drivers, Ground Operators, Supervisors and Administration.
Ceremonies Transport Arrangements (Baku 2015)
Olympic Lanes Operetations (Athens 2004)
Games Driver Training Programme I (Baku 2015)
Games Driver Training Programme II (Baku 2015)
Projects Experience
GEMMS has practical experience in all levels of Venue and Transport operational planning, both for Mega Events (extraordinary urban circumstance) and Day to Day Urban Improvement initiatives (ordinary urban circumstance).
Mega Events Organization
GEMMS actively participated in the realization of many Mega Events:
Urban Transport Planning and Operations
Baku Transport Agency (BNA)
GEMMS was appointed as a Senior Executive Advisor to BNA with a mandate to help restructure the entire urban transport system of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. This includes:
All of the above will create a lasting social, environmental and economic legacy.
A unique aspect of our approach is the absolute commitment to actual, complete ’on the field’ implementation. We focus on delivering integrated solutions, rather than mere recommendations and proposals. Upon completion of the ‘deskwork’ (research, analysis, solutions, documentation) we move directly to ‘fieldwork’. We provide specialized support to our clients during the implementation by facilitating interactions between top management, government entities and diverse contractors, as appropriate. Leading live programs, GEMMS is always flexible to accommodate additional requirements, as they arise, in a constructive and creative spirit. It should be emphasized though, that such cases are addressed in the relevant strategic concept, never losing sight of delivering tangible and sustainable results. Finally, in numerous occasions, state-of-the-art and innovative approaches have been adopted emphasizing our role as a dynamic solution provider and value-adding partner.
Azerbaijan Railways (ADY)
The second government entity in Azerbaijan with which GEMMS has partnered is Azerbaijan Railways (ADY), in matters that affect the wider Baku metropolitan area. In its partnership with ADY, GEMMS has concentrated in 4 areas, 3 which echo generic world trends and 1 specific to Baku:
Suburban Rail
GEMMS works for the wholesale upgrade of the existing suburban railway network in Baku. This initiative has as a goal to wean commuters away from private automobiles and thus improve traffic and environmental conditions. Suburban Rail improves commuting speed, capacity and safety and is environmentally friendly (railway transport is responsible for only 2% of the total transport greenhouse gas emissions, compared to 73% coming from the road section (figures ERA).
Integration with Other Transport Services
To implement an integrated transportation system, the following aspects should be achieved:
GEMMS has been commissioned by Azerbaijan Railways to revitalize Suburban Rail, assist in the planning, and facilitate the integration of the Public Transport Network within the Baku Metropolitan area. GEMMS developed a strategic plan and assisted in the creation of the appropriate organizational platform to support the Transport modes’ seamless interaction in order to deliver cost-effective, quality customer oriented services.
Transport Development and Urban Planning/Regeneration (around rail stations)
Major improvement of the urban area surrounding a Suburban Rail Station always triggers a land use transformation process and the development of commercial centers. Several Master Plans have been developed based on the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) principles. These Master Plans propose high quality urban design, architecture and landscaping, aiming to transform the wider station’s area into a new destination and become the catalyst for sustainable economic, social and environmental development.
Baku Central Railway Station Redevelopment
In the framework of urban revitalization of the Baku Suburban Rail program, GEMMS introduced, as an issue of high criticality, the development of a proper Central Station in the capital of Azerbaijan. The “28 May Square Master Plan” analyzes the current situation, clearly identifies the root causes of the problems and derives solutions, based on a holistic approach. It addresses all issues regarding public transport, traffic, pedestrian mobility, parking and supply chain and all possible uses, including travel, education, shopping and tourism.
The outcome is an urban regeneration scheme, which not only provides solutions to all existing problems but also redevelops the broader area, transforming it into a fully integrated transportation/commercial nexus of the highest international standards.
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Contact Info
Global Events Mobility & Management Solutions
6 Themistokli Dervi,
PAPYROS BUILDING, 1st floor, office A5
1066 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357 22 398776
Email: info@gemmsconsulting.com